You're sure of a big surprise ....
.... Yes, that's right, you won't find any teddy bears in the woods having a picnic because they are all at Philpotts HQ waiting to be told that they have been adopted and are going off to their new home!
This week it has been all about Teddies.
Here are 2 of the teddy bears that we worked on over the weekend on the Teddy Bear Workshop. Bernard (on the left) was the original sample for the workshop and can now be purchased in kit form for you to make in the comfort of your own home (he will be listed on the website very soon!)
Pickle (on the right) is the bear that both Mr P and I took turns in making during the workshop. I am sure that she found a 'grow bag' to sit in over night between Saturday and Sunday as she has ended up much larger than was originally intended! I think that is what happens when you job share with a 6' 6" husband!
So far this week we have been busy listing as many of our new wool top colours as possible onto the site as well as some of the new felting kits. We will keep working on getting it all on line this week but in the meantime you can find the link
Here to our newest kit from which you can make Baby bear.
Baby Girl Bear
Baby Boy Bear
At the moment the kit comes in either baby pink or teddy bear brown. If you would like another colour please e-mail us and we will do our best to match a wool top colour to your preference.
Happy Crafting and we'll be back with some more ideas soon!